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Jinpu works on industrial chain coordination

Updated: June 6, 2024


[Photo by Piao Feng]

On May 30, the Jinpu New Area Administrative Committee hosted the 2024 Jinpu New Area (Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone) Industrial Chain Coordinated Development Conference.

The event aimed at promoting high-quality local products and facilitating supply-demand matching-making, thereby enhancing the resilience of industrial and supply chains. More than 200 enterprise representatives from Jinpu New Area took part in the conference.

Participating enterprises spanned a wide range of industries, such as equipment manufacturing, automobiles and parts manufacturing, electronic information, biopharmaceuticals and petrochemicals. The event also included representative companies in areas like intelligent robots and public computing power open platforms.

At the conference, Jinpu New Area released the procurement demand lists and product supply lists of over 200 enterprises, and 24 enterprises signed industrial chain collaborative projects on site. The collaborative projects included cooperation across various stages of the industrial chain, as well as projects focusing on the digitization and smart upgrading of traditional industries. Moreover, 12 enterprises presented their procurement demands and promoted their products.

Facilitating the coordination and alignment of industrial chains is a crucial step for Jinpu New Area to further boost its economy. It helps promote production, enabling "local sourcing" and enhancing the industrial synergy of local enterprises.