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Wandering in Dalian | Qixianling Forest Park

Updated: May 29, 2023

Dalian, with its extensive coastline spanning 2,211 kilometers, offers breathtaking views of the sea. The city is renowned for its charming hills, and an impressive 45.42 percent of the land is adorned with vibrant greenery, creating a refreshing and inviting atmosphere for its residents.

A prominent natural gem in Dalian is the Qixianling Forest Park, an expansive area covering 800,000 square meters. Within the park, a well-designed network of roads stretches over a total length of 12,000 meters.

Great care has been taken to seamlessly blend the park's infrastructure with the surrounding landscape, preserving the inherent beauty of the hills and avoiding any harm to the existing trees or natural terrain. As a result, the park harmoniously integrates into its natural environment, maintaining the area's authenticity and allure.