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Bohai expressway opens

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: July 15, 2022

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[Photo by Wang Yang for chinadaily.com.cn]

The Bohai expressway in Dalian opened to the public on June 30.

The 47.4 kilometer expressway starts from Binhai road in Puwan New Area and ends at Houyan station in Ganjingzi district.

The road is 33 meters wide and has a designed speed of 100 kilometers per hour. Its total investment is about 6.7 billion yuan ($997.33 million).

The Bohai expressway is an urban landmark in Dalian, built with the largest scale, the highest standard and the longest mileage in the city. It connects and promotes development between the main urban area and Jinpu New Area.

In addition, it will play an important role in building the new airport, developing modern agriculture, and upgrading shipping centers and the logistic system.