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Dalian goes to Shanghai to woo investors

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: November 18, 2021


China-Japan (Dalian) Regional Development Cooperation Demonstration Zone. [Provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Dalian held an investment policy briefing in Shanghai recently to promote its China-Japan (Dalian) Regional Development Cooperation Demonstration Zone, hoping to deepen bilateral trade and economic cooperation between the two countries and bring greater prosperity to both sides.

Particular emphasis at the briefing was devoted to two core areas of the Dalian demonstration zone, namely the New Japanese Industrial Park and Songmu Island.

The zone was established in 2020, covering an area of nearly 53 square kilometers. The Dalian Jinpu New Area, the country's 10th national new area, is its most significant component. Other parts include the New Japanese Industrial Park, Songmu Island and Xizhong Island.

Zhao Dong, director of the Jinpu Management Committee, said the Jinpu New Area is home to the largest cluster of Japanese companies and an important economic driver in the northeast. In the future, the zone will focus on high-end equipment manufacturing and the new materials industry, promote the establishment of a mutual trust system for inspection and quarantine, and explore cross-border e-commerce and tax-free business with Japan.