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Transportation in Liaoning province


Liaoning has a superior location and enjoys convenient transportation. It is a vital traffic artery in Northeast China and an important gateway connecting Eurasia Land Bridge. The railway in operation ranked first in density around China at one time. The highways open to traffic has connected 14 cities. Dalian Port is the best deep-water ice-free port in the north of China, forming a group of ports covering cities of Yingkou, Dandong, Jinzhou and Huludao along the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea, with a total of 124 10,000-ton deep-water berths and 23 container berths. There are four airports in the province, such as Shenyang Taoxian International Airport, and Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport, which have opened 206 international and domestic routes.


Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport [Photo/VCG]

In 2017, the goods transported through highway, railway, waterway and civil aviation totaled 216,144 million tons, an increase of 4.4 percent over the previous year.

Specifically, the volume of railway freight reached 177.34 million tons, up 9.3 percent. Highway freight traffic was 1.84 million tons, up 3.9 percent. Waterway cargo volume achieved 14.12 million tons, up 4.9 percent. The cargo volume of civil aviation reached 140,000 tons, up 1.3 percent. The annual volume of freight transportation totaled 127.58 billion tons/km, up 5.3 percent over the previous year.

In addition, the annual passenger transport volume was 740.42 million, down 1.4 percent from the previous year.

Passenger traffic by railway reached 142.66 million, up 1.6 percent. The number of highway passengers reached 576.65 million, down 2.4 percent. Waterway passenger traffic totaled 5.52 million, up 2.6 percent. The number of civil aviation passengers reached 15.59 million, up 7.9 percent. The annual volume of passenger transport reached 116.65 billion person/km, up 1.9 percent over the previous year.

Meanwhile, the annual throughput of port cargo was 115.58 million tons, up 3.2 percent over the previous year. The annual container throughput of the ports was 19.5 million TEUs, up 3.7 percent over the previous year.


Dalian Port is the best deep-water ice-free port in the north of China. [Photo/VCG]

As for the total length of railways in operation (excluding local railways), it was extended to 5,543 km by the end of 2017, an increase of 203 km over the previous year. The total length of highways open to traffic (excluding sections under city management) was 121,722 km, an increase of 2,033 km over that at the end of the previous year, including 4212 km of expressways.


The total length of railways in operation (excluding local railways), it was extended to 5,543 km by the end of 2017, an increase of 203 km over the previous year. [Photo/VCG]

The number of civilian vehicles reached 7.313 million, an increase of 9.7 percent over that at the end of the previous year. Among these, 6.331 million were passenger vehicles and 902,000 were cargo vehicles.